Published books
Behaving Together in the Classroom provides teachers with frameworks and processes to help them identify, understand and support the issues children bring to the classroom. Using a clear five step formula, the book explores the perspectives of children, to guide teachers as they support them within the school environment.
The book explores the nature of emotional health and well-being and the real implications of this on the way children are seen to act within the school. Rather than punishing unwanted behaviour, the book begins with the assumption that behaviour is our innate form of communication, that should be supported rather than controlled. It recognises the network of relationships within a school’s community and provides helpful resources to support a child’s inclusion in school life.

Phil Beadle
Reading it would make any mainstream teacher a better professional. I felt cleansed by it.

Steve Walters
Drawing on her substantial experience of working in Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provision, Sarah Dove provides a helpful and wide-ranging overview of the factors - personal and organisational - that can affect pupils' behaviour.

Cath Kitchen
This book is full of practical strategies outlining collaborative approaches to supporting positive behaviours.

Ms E J Hollis
I was hooked from the start of this book. It offers insight into real life, first hand experience of working with a range of young people. It is honest and inspiring.
This book should be read by all and would make the basis of excellent CPD for whole school inset. Reading this will enhance understanding of how young people communicate through their behaviour and offers practical solutions to supporting them through the challenges they face

Mr R. Clutterbuck
This book should be read by anyone interested in how to solve the problem of behaviour in schools. For me, Behaving Together in the Classroom coupled with Tom Bennett's Running the Room are the two books anyone will ever need to get behaviour right in schools.

All About SEMH: A practical guide for primary teachers and All About SEMH: A practical guide for secondary teachers is an accessible and informative guide for school teachers, designed to increase their understanding of social, emotional and mental health needs, and to enhance their toolkit with practical, evidence-informed strategies to support learners in their care.
The book unpicks key terminology debunking myths and misconceptions, enabling teachers to more easily understand some of the challenges for learners with SEMH needs. It then explores a range of key areas including anxiety, depression, bereavement, obsessive-compulsive disorder and self-harm, and focuses on practical strategies and adaptations that can be made in every classroom.